Student Life » Student Support Services

Student Support Services

Holy Cross Lutheran School is pleased to invite students to participate in a school-sponsored, fun, and collaborative program to benefit social and emotional learning and development. The program prioritizes building a close relationship with each child, personalizing their academic and general support, and utilizing interactive games and discussions to promote engagement.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process of developing social skills and self-awareness and teaches how to maintain energy, vitality, happiness, pride, healthy relationships, and resilience, even in the face of adversity.

The program takes place one day a week (either Monday, Wednesday, or Friday), after school from 3:00 PM- 3:45 PM, based on each student’s small-group placement. Our school is excited to be working with two interns from the Barry University School of Social Work, Ms. Anna Kuzma and Ms. Jessica Morency, who will oversee the program for the 2022-23 school year, with guidance from School Administration and Dr. Magda Demerritt, DSW and licensed, clinical therapist.

This program is voluntary and parental consent is required for participation. Parents may email us at [email protected] for more information. If you are interested in accessing SEL resources, visit our RESOURCES page.